Whistleblower policy:

If someone at Symmetrix is acting in an unethical, illegal or dishonest way we will take action while protecting and unless otherwise requested, keeping secret the identity of the person reporting the incident.

We take seriously any incidents at Symmetrix such as: side deals for personal benefit, personal kickbacks from contractors, inaccurate revenue/asset/liability recording or reporting, contempt for company policies, embezzlement, inappropriate behaviour at Symmetrix event or on Symmetrix premises, work to benefit any individual which is outside our interest or that of our stakeholders.

Whistleblower policy is that the whistleblower must immediately communicate the whistleblower incident using the whistleblower portal at symmetrix.ca/thisisserious. This policy and a path to this form will also be available on a website.

The whistleblower will not be discharged, demoted or suspended as a result of communicating using the whistleblower portal, and will be provided the opportunity to remain anonymous. This policy applies to all current and former staff, contractors, subcontractors, agents, vendors and partners.

This Is Serious: Go To Whistleblower portal